Research Article

The Functions and Meaning Potentials of Discourse Markers in the TV Talk Show Discourse


  • Luo Fei College of Foreign Language, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China
  • Leilei, ZOU Professor, College of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Ocean University, China


Discourse markers used to be thought of as redundant and useless in discourse, especially in verbal discourse. However, linguists realize that the function of discourse markers is important in displaying communicators’ intentions and construing their stories. And the exploring of discourse markers should be testified across genres according to the necessity of linguistics development. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the function of discourse markers in the TV talk show genre and figure out the meaning potentials of discourse markers in a specific discourse. The functions of discourse markers are divided into two parts: interpersonal function and textual function, according to Briton’s theory, but discourse markers mainly work in textual function. This paper could help us know better about the significance of discourse markers in our language life and also provide an empirical vision to the exploring of linguistics.

Article information


Journal of Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis

Volume (Issue)

2 (1)





How to Cite

Fei, L., & Leilei, ZOU. (2023). The Functions and Meaning Potentials of Discourse Markers in the TV Talk Show Discourse. Journal of Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis, 2(1), 36–46.



Discourse Markers; TV Talk Show Discourse; verbal discourse; Briton’s theory; textual function