Research Article

Monitoring of Water Level in Indoor Precision Vegetable Production Systems


  • Nezha Kharraz PhD student, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, MATE University, Hungary
  • István Szabó University professor, Head of Department, Department of Engineering Informatics Center, MATE University, Hungary


Hydroponics is a growing plant method by adding nutrient-rich solutions. This method does not rely on soil usage; instead, the root system is based on an inert medium such as Rockwool, peat moss, perlite, clay pellets, or vermiculite. The basic interest behind hydroponics is to allow the plant's roots to grow while there is direct contact with the nutrient solution. Access to oxygen must be provided, indeed, as it is essential for proper growth. In this paper, we made the study-design approach of a “greenhouse”, which was a digitally controlled environment device. In this approach, we will see how far we can control the growing process of a plant, together with monitoring the water level. For the experiments, a prototype of the electronic part is constructed. The testing of the “greenhouse” can be used for developing new applications, which will highlight the way we grow food and eliminate pesticide dangers.

Article information


Journal of Mechanical, Civil and Industrial Engineering

Volume (Issue)

3 (3)





How to Cite

Kharraz, N., & Szabó, I. (2022). Monitoring of Water Level in Indoor Precision Vegetable Production Systems. Journal of Mechanical, Civil and Industrial Engineering, 3(3), 85–91.



Water Level; Hydroponics; Indoor Precision Vegetable Production Systems; nutrient-rich solutions;