Research Article

Analysis of Compressive Strength of Sulfur Concrete


  • Eri S. Romadhon Civil Engineering Study Program Jayabaya University
  • Achmad Hanif Civil Engineering Study Program Jayabaya University


One of the best concrete mixes to reduce environmental impact is using sulfur concrete. The use of sulfur, as a waste material for enterprises, for the production of building materials is efficient due to the disposal of waste and its contribution to environmental protection. Sulfur concrete material has high compressive strength, low hydraulic conductivity, and high resistance to water permeation and is particularly resistant to corrosion in acid and salt environments. Sulfur concrete is more resistant to corrosion. Waterproofing reduces fatigue under repetitive load, develops strength very high start, fast hardens, saves time to manufacture, and holds to an aggressive environment. The aims of this study were 1) To determine the compressive strength of sulfur-bonded concrete with an aggregate ratio, 2) To determine the compressive strength of concrete based on the percentage of sulfur binding material from the combined aggregate weight and specific gravity of the concrete 3) To determine the strength of the sulfur-bonded concrete with a maximum age of 28 days. The research method used is an experimental method based on calculating the density of concrete specimens and the volume of the mould for sulfur concrete specimens. The results showed that 1) the best percentage of mixed material was aggregate fine and coarse 40%: 60%. 2) With use pro percentage sulfur 25%, 27.5%, 30%, 32.5%, 35%, 37.5% and 40% of heavy aggregate combined and weight type concrete 2400 kg/m3. 3) Research results obtained maximum strength sulfur concrete 28 days old of 429.5 kg/cm2 at 32.5% sulfur percentage and the lowest 250.5 kg/cm2 at the percentage of sulfur 25%.

Article information


Journal of Mechanical, Civil and Industrial Engineering

Volume (Issue)

3 (2)





How to Cite

Romadhon, E. S., & Hanif, A. (2022). Analysis of Compressive Strength of Sulfur Concrete. Journal of Mechanical, Civil and Industrial Engineering, 3(2), 07-16.







Strong press concrete, sulfur concrete, sulfur polymer concrete