Research Article

Relevancy and Outlook of the Technology-Enhanced Education within Digital Contents, Resources and Tools


  • Abd-AL-Hameed Mustafa Mahmoud Jabsheh Lecturer, Department of English Language, Palestine Technical University- Kadoorie (PTUK), Tulkarm Campus, Palestine


Digital technology has become one of the most dictating determinants of this modern age; technology is gradually taking wider roles in every aspect of human activity and practice; education, teaching, and learning have centrally been apt to a wide range of changeability: technology-enhancement has facilitated the emergence of new concepts in education; technology- enhancement has also incorporated new roles for teachers, students, learning content, pedagogy, learning resources, instructional media and tools; as a consequence, the aim of this study was to investigate the relevancy and outlook of such a technology –enhanced education within the three domains of digital content, digital resources, and, digital tools. To achieve the aim of this study, a juxtaposed qualitative approach was followed to reveal and then describe such relevancy and outlook; the available literature has profoundly been surveyed to support the argument and the investigative range of this study; consequently, three essays, which are separate in form, but interrelated in their thematic topicality, have investigated three related issues: the first is why technology enhancement has dictated itself to the educational system, and how it has been changing the whole educational system; the second is why and how digital content can be an unavoidable digital resource and why there is a call to exploit digital contents and digital resources; the third is how digital tools, "Grammarly" as an example, bears some functional limitations that can cast some uncertainty over the degree of dependability that they are supposed to record. Accordingly, this study has generally concluded that technology enhancement, digital contents, digital resources, and digital tools are advantageous and exploitable as long as they are exploited rationally and reasonably;  technology enhancement should be understood as an extension and not as a substitution to traditional educational practices;  the study also concluded that the overdependence on technological and digital solutions could cast various risks on Human Intelligence (HI), thinking, attitudes, and behavior. This study comes up with various recommendations.

Article information


International Journal of Middle Eastern Research

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

Jabsheh, A.-A.-H. M. M. (2024). Relevancy and Outlook of the Technology-Enhanced Education within Digital Contents, Resources and Tools. International Journal of Middle Eastern Research, 3(1), 24-34.







Technology –Enhanced Education; Digital Content; Digital Resources; Digital Tools; Grammarly; Theories of Learning; Aldous Huxley; Writing Skills; Human Intelligence (HI); sustainable