Research Article

Magic Realism and Fantastic in Contemporary Literature


  • Gulrahman Rahmani Department of Pashto Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Literature, Baghlan University, Afghanistan
  • Sayed Mojtaba Nayel Department of Pashto Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Literature, Baghlan University, Afghanistan


Magical Realism and Fantastic are two widely used concepts in contemporary literature. Fantastic is such fiction that blends the realities of our physical world with the supernatural in an indistinguishable manner, with the aim of leading minds of varying abilities on different trails. Both are used in combination to complete the novel. The reader is amazed by the inability to differentiate between real life and the world of fantasy. In Magical Realism, as the name implies, magic, history, fiction and myths are employed. The characters often possess supernatural abilities. It is often mistaken for imaginary realism. The main difference between the two is that in Fantastic, the characters feel shocked and horrified by the happenings, as in  Harry Potter’s series, where the sudden disappearance of ‘the mirror’ causes shock. By contrast, in magical realism, the characters tend to react to the occurrence of magic. Another important point is the relation of both to scientific fiction, where events are analyzed on the basis of facts and scientific development in order to enable humans to face life intelligently.

Article information


International Journal of Middle Eastern Research

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

Rahmani, G., & Nayel, S. M. (2024). Magic Realism and Fantastic in Contemporary Literature. International Journal of Middle Eastern Research, 3(1), 01–03.



Magical Realism, Supernatural, Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction, Unnatural, Fear.