Research Article

Challenges and Prospects in Teaching Grammar using the Modular Distance Learning in Marawi City, Philippines


  • Oranggaga, Saliha Dicasaran Master of Arts in English Language Teaching/ Teacher 1, Masiu Community Highschool External Unit, Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Philippines


Modular Distance Learning is introduced in the country as an individualized instruction that allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy in response to the health crisis around the world. This study was conducted to determine and analyse the challenges and prospects of the English teachers in the schools of Marawi City in teaching grammar using modular distance learning in terms of students' understanding of concepts, assessments, pedagogies, phasing diversified learners' level. This study employed the descriptive research design with the use of Survey Questionnaires, actual in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. The findings of the study showed that the challenges encountered by the respondents are: a. the attitude of students towards understanding grammar and the time allotment as differed from face-to-face instruction b. the credibility issues in answering activities in the worksheets, c. problems on poor access to an internet connection, d.lack of exposure to social media platforms, e. defiance of assessment's purpose due to module formats, f. the negative perception of students towards teachers' feedback, g. the issue on too many workloads affecting the consistency of systematic release and retrieval of the module; and lastly, h. the maintenance of attention span versus many disturbances. Additionally, the prospects gathered from the responses of the participants which are implied to be advantageous to grammar teaching are: a. the use of explicit approach, b. the offering of other learning activities/channels to cater to different skills of the students, c. the giving of feedbacks in a different manner such as written or face-to-face consultation and progress reports, d. the setting of consultation schedules and meeting deadline of submissions, and lastly, e. the use of online platforms. In conclusion, the researcher recommends the meditation of the advancement of technological tools among the schools. Teaching approaches, as well, which are useful in modular distance learning, namely, the use of step-by-step presentation of concepts in the format of the module, and the practice of other modes of giving feedback to students such as counselling rather than massive written feedback, which demotivates students.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (1)





How to Cite

Oranggaga, Saliha Dicasaran. (2022). Challenges and Prospects in Teaching Grammar using the Modular Distance Learning in Marawi City, Philippines. International Journal of Linguistics Studies , 2(1), 40-44.







Modular Distance Learning, Challenges, Prospects