Research Article

Quality of Bali Cattle Spermatozoa During Cryopreservation in Egg Yolk Tris Diluent with Vitamin E


  • Nabilatul Firdausin Nada Prodi S1 Biologi, Kampus Bina Widya Km 12,5 Simpang Baru, Pekanbaru, Riau
  • Dedi Junianto UPT Inseminasi Buatan Ternak Pekanbaru, Jl. Tenayan Ujung No. 1, Pekanbaru, Riau


Freezing during cryopreservation causes lipid peroxidation in the plasma membrane of spermatozoa. Vitamin E contains antioxidants that can inhibit the formation of free radicals. The study aimed to determine the effect of vitamin E in egg yolk tris diluent to improve sperm quality during the cryopreservation process with different freezing times on Bali cattle spermatozoa's motility, viability, and recovery rate. Semen was collected using the artificial vagina. The study used an experimental method with a factorial complete randomized design. The first factor was the dosing of vitamin E in 100 ml of egg yolk tris diluent, namely control (without vitamin E), doses of 0,2 g; 0,4 g; and 0,6 g with 3 replicates. The second factor was freezing time on day 0, 2, and 8. Data results were analyzed with Anova One Way, if the significant effect in further test with DMRT level 5 %. The results showed that the dosing of vitamin E and freezing time had a significant effect (P<0.05) on motility and viability of spermatozoa. In the recovery rate of spermatozoa with vitamin E dosing had a significant effect (P<0.05) and freezing time had no significant effect (P<0.05). The interaction of vitamin E dosing and freezing time had a significant effect (P<0.05) on motility and viability. The interaction of Vitamin E dosing on spermatozoa recovery rate was significant (P<0.05). The highest quality value of Bali cattle spermatozoa was in the dose of vitamin E 0.6 g/100 ml of egg yolk Tris diluent on day 8 on motility of 89.10%, viability of 93.33%, and recovery rate of 105.81%. Suspected, the antioxidant content of alpha-tocopherol in vitamin E can affect the quality of Bali cattle spermatozoa during cryopreservation.

Article information


International Journal of Biological, Physical and Chemical Studies

Volume (Issue)

7 (1)





How to Cite

Nada, N. F., & Junianto, D. (2025). Quality of Bali Cattle Spermatozoa During Cryopreservation in Egg Yolk Tris Diluent with Vitamin E. International Journal of Biological, Physical and Chemical Studies , 7(1), 14-24.







Bali cattle, spermatozoa, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)