Research Article

The Partnership between Local Government and Corporations in Optimizing Public Services in Paser Regency


  • Muhsin Palinrungi Public Administration, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Hamsu Abdul Gani and Rifdan Public Administration, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia


The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program is the social responsibility of every company operating in the Paser Regency. However, not all companies carry out CSR programs. This qualitative research explores and fully describes the problems of regional government and company partnerships in implementing CSR programs. Primary data collection is carried out by in-depth interviews and observation. Secondary data collection techniques are data collection techniques carried out through the collection of library materials and other documentation. The research results show that (1) a CSR program partnership in the form of increasing community capacity, community development, and community service/social assistance has been implemented by PT. Kideco Jaya Agung with a relatively large budget allocation. Meanwhile, PT. Gunatama's prediction is more dominant in the form of social and religious assistance (charity) and small budget allocations; (2) Program synchronization is carried out between the Paser Regency Government and PT. Kideco Jaya Agung through the implementation of CSR Musrebang in the sub-district. Meanwhile PT. Gunatama Prediction does not carry out program planning mechanisms with the community before the CSR program is implemented. Distribution of responsibilities is carried out by dividing responsibilities in the CSR program between the Paser Regency Government and PT. Kideco Jaya Agung. Meanwhile, with PT. Gunatama's predictions have not been implemented optimally; (3) The strategic partnership model between the Regional Government and companies offered based on the theory of cross sector partnership and New Public Service is by synchronizing planning through the CSR Musrenbang followed by signing a written agreement. Implementation of CSR programs places greater emphasis on community empowerment. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting are carried out periodically. Furthermore, awards are given to companies that make positive contributions to CSR programs, and conversely, sanctions are given to companies that do not carry out CSR programs well.

Article information


International Journal of Asian and African Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

Muhsin Palinrungi, & Hamsu Abdul Gani and Rifdan. (2024). The Partnership between Local Government and Corporations in Optimizing Public Services in Paser Regency. International Journal of Asian and African Studies, 3(1), 72–79.


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Corporate Social Responsibility, Cross Sector Partnership, New Public Service, Kabupaten Paser