Research Article

A Socio-Ecological Exploration of Sub-Saharan Migrant Students in Moroccan Public Schools



Education and migration intertwine as complex issues, impacting historical, social, cultural, economic, and political domains. While migration studies in the global north have extensively explored education trends among migrants, research in the global south, particularly in Morocco, where public schools host a significant number of Sub-Saharan migrant students, remains scarce. This study seeks to delve into the experiences of four Sub-Saharan students in Moroccan public schools, examining how they navigate the educational environment and the multifaceted impacts it generates. The study gathered data through in-depth, individual interviews with these migrant students. Utilizing a qualitative approach and drawing on the theory of social ecology of human development, the analysis reveals that despite a strong self-awareness, these minority students have unmet academic and non-academic needs. Their development is notably influenced by the diverse structures within their environment. Additionally, the study highlights how the interplay between conflicting microsystems, such as the school and the family, alongside broader macro-level structures like culture and belief systems, hampers the progress and education of these individuals. However, their personal attributes and support from key figures, notably teachers, play a pivotal role in assisting them in overcoming challenges within and outside the school environment. Consequently, the presence of cultural and religious minority students in Moroccan public schools represents a growing trend requiring thoughtful planning and targeted interventions.

Article information


International Journal of Asian and African Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

Chentoufi, H., & El Kirat El Allame, Y. (2024). A Socio-Ecological Exploration of Sub-Saharan Migrant Students in Moroccan Public Schools. International Journal of Asian and African Studies, 3(1), 25–33.


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Education, Morocco, sub-Saharan migrant migrants, public schools, socio-ecological perspective