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Assessment of the Implementation of Every Child a Reader Program in the Division of Ilocos Norte: Basis for a Reading Development Plan
This study assessed the implementation of the Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP) in the Division of Ilocos Norte as basis for a reading development plan. Utilizing Stufflebeam’s context-input-process-product (CIPP) evaluation model, it described the different elements of the program and qualitatively determined how each one influences the other to arrive at a holistic picture of the implementation of the program in the Division of Ilocos Norte. The assessment involved the critical description of the context, inputs, process, and outputs of the ECARP. All the activities in the four components of ECARP were very highly implemented. The outputs of the program were very satisfactory. All the goals and objectives of ECARP were perceived by the respondents to be highly implemented. Based on the results of the study, a reading development plan was formulated which integrates other reading programs to help ensure a more successful attainment of reading goals. The plan is composed of various activities at every quarter of the school year. When the reading development plan is successfully implemented, it can be assured that pupils are able to read words and sentences fluently, read aloud passages with ease, comprehend reading selections which they read orally and silently, and read independently for academic success and for pleasure. It can be concluded that ECARP is being satisfactorily implemented in the Division of Ilocos Norte. The continued implementation of the program could lead to the improvement in the literacy level of citizens of the country. Nevertheless, there is a need to coordinate the objectives and activities of all existing reading programs in the DepEd and to improve the availability and adequacy of instructional materials. The implementation of the proposed reading development plan would help realize all these aspirations.
Article information
British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy
Volume (Issue)
4 (1)
Open access

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