Research Article

Capturing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Implementation in English Classroom: Necessity or Responsibility?


  • Isna Humaera Lecturer of English Education Department, Teaching and Education Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Kendari, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Makmur Student of English Education Department, Teaching and Education Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Kendari, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Nur Hasanah Safei Lecturer of English Education Department, Teaching and Education Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Kendari, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Nasrullah Lecturer of English Education Department, Teaching and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Pare-pare, Pare-Pare, Indonesia
  • Mustaqimah Lecturer of Islamic Education Department, STAI DDI Pare-pare, Pare-Pare, Indonesia
  • Reskyani Student of English Education Faculty, Doctoral Program, State University of Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Marlia Student of English Education Faculty, Doctoral Program, State University of Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Andi Adisaturrahim Student of English Education Faculty, Doctoral Program, State University of Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Windy Puspitasari Suparto Student of English Education Faculty, Doctoral Program, State University of Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia


This study aims to investigate EFL pre-service teachers’ perceptions of technological knowledge development during field teaching practice. Data were collected by using reflections of twelve EFL pre-service teachers in the English Education Department. This qualitative study focuses on the perceptions of EFL pre-service teachers based on the concept of the TPACK framework, especially Technological Knowledge (TK). The result of the analysis showed that EFL pre-service teachers tended to have a positive perception regarding the necessity of their technological knowledge implementation while conducting the field teaching practice in the classroom. Through a thematic analysis method, the data were analyzed qualitatively, and five themes emerged from this study, i.e., the basic technological knowledge of EFL pre-service teachers’, the easiness of EFL pre-service teachers’ in operating technology, the EFL pre-service teachers’ mastery of technological skills, the importance of using technology in teaching, and the importance of having technological knowledge. This study implies that teacher educators should raise the EFL pre-service teachers’ awareness of their technological knowledge development and help pre-service teachers gain a good understanding of technological knowledge.

Article information


British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Humaera, I., Makmur, Safei, N. H., Nasrullah, Mustaqimah, Reskyani, Marlia, Adisaturrahim, A., & Suparto, W. P. (2023). Capturing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Implementation in English Classroom: Necessity or Responsibility?. British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy, 2(2), 26-35.







Technological knowledge; qualitative study; EFL pre-service teachers’; field teaching practice