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Cuprous Oxide (Cu2O) Based Solar Cell Thickness Dependence
The rapid advancement of devices that transform light into other energy forms has led to the growth of various solar cell structures established on silicon and other compound semiconductors. Photovoltaic devices that are efficient are required to ensure solar power's competitiveness with traditional energy sources. The most intriguing phase of copper oxides is Cu2O. There have been several findings of Cu2O-based solar cells; nevertheless, their efficiencies are quite minimal due to charge recombination at the crystal boundary and other factors. The goal of the present study is to review the effect of Cu2O thin film thickness prepared by oxidation techniques on efficiency, and then previous related work was systematically studied to investigate their structural and morphological properties. Gravimetric measurements were used to determine the thickness of Cu2O on Cu. The XRD pattern presented shows a single phase of Cu2O with no obvious impurity peaks. The finding shows that when the thickness is 26.30µm, the conversion efficiency is high; image analysis from a different method of deposition demonstrated that the films were compact throughout the entire sample surface, with no observed pinholes. The morphology of the stratum was strongly dependent on the deposition techniques.
Article information
British Journal of Physics Studies
Volume (Issue)
1 (1)
Open access

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