Aims And Scope

The British Journal of Physics Studies is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal  published by Al-Kindi Center for Research and Development. The Journal emphasizes both fundamental and applied research works in Physics. It publishes original research articles, review articles, communications with no restriction on the length of the papers. In addition, special issues are published by the journal, which may be themed around a current topic in physics.

To save time, we recommend contacting our editorial office prior to submitting a paper to ensure your planned submission falls within one of the following specific subject areas:

  • Acoustics
  • Applied physics, instrumentation, and technologies
  • Astronomy and astrophysics
  • Atmospheric and climate physics
  • Atomic and molecular physics
  • Biological and medical physics
  • Chemical physics
  • Computational and data science
  • Condensed matter physics
  • Cosmic rays
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Geophysics and planetology
  • Gravitation and cosmology
  • High-energy and particle physics
  • Machine learning
  • Magnetism
  • Materials science
  • Mathematical physics
  • Mechanics
  • Mesoscopics
  • Nanophysics
  • Networks and complex systems
  • Nonlinear dynamics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Optics and photonics
  • Plasma physics
  • Quantum physics and quantum information
  • Semiconductor physics
  • Soft matter physics
  • Solar physics
  • Statistical physics and thermodynamics
  • Superconductivity and superfluidity