Research Article

Auditorium Model Assessment with Corrected Acoustic Function


  • Iskandarsyah Siregar Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
  • Firlii Rahmadiyah Regaranggi Institute, Indonesia
  • Alisha Firiska Qatrunnada Siregar Regaranggi Institute, Indonesia


The study of acoustic function is growing to be important today. In the conditions of the development of an all-artificial civilization, it turns out that complementary electronic ornaments are still very dependent on the level of success with the form of the structure and composition of the room itself. The problem arises when an adjustment on one side, intended for improvement, actually shifts the ideal coordinates on the other side. For this reason, a comprehensive adjustment and correction idea should emerge as a solution, with acoustic studies as a starting point. This study tries to describe the ideal design based on investigations and observations of the actual condition of the auditorium of the National University and also tries to determine the suitable material for the room. The stages carried out in the research can be adapted to the needs of the research. This step is to get the most comprehensive results with the most effective and efficient steps. Integrated software and trial and error analysis are also part of the research method. It was found that the new design of the National University auditorium has good acoustic insulation with some adjustments that are still possible to get the ideal standardization of the room.

Article information


British Journal of Physics Studies

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Siregar, I., Rahmadiyah, F., & Siregar, A. F. Q. (2021). Auditorium Model Assessment with Corrected Acoustic Function. British Journal of Physics Studies, 1(1), 40–45.



Auditorium, Acoustic function, Assessment, Corrected model