Research Article

Sociology of E-Health Initiatives in Sierra Leone’s Communal Health Zone


  • Mohamed Bangura Lecturer One, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Sierra Leone, Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone


The Sierra Leonean government has promoted diverse programs and approaches as a segment of civic automation ambitions to hand associates of the communal with a reachable path to health social data and services. Accomplishments have been made to grasp Datalogies in Sierra Leone’s communal health zone. The conduct of social health establishments in Sierra Leone nonetheless persists in degenerating at a moment when the exploit of Datalogies in social health is attaining motivation in the Mano River Basin. This sociological inquiry, therefore, urges to evaluate the execution of the social E-health system disclosing the ongoing state of social e-health or electronic device networks in Sierra Leone’s communal clinics. The sociological inquiry embraced an exploratory social inquiry design. Respondents in this inquiry preferred purposive sampling. Social data were amassed via respondents' social observations, in-depth dialogues, and documentary inquiry. The inquiry determined that despite social e-health being an essential instrument in enhancing standard, swift, and productive social health care, its achievement in Sierra Leone has not been smooth, and it is still in its immaturity platforms. The inquiry wrapped up with the fact that social e-health is a dependable instrument for forwarding prosperous and efficient communal social health service supply in Sierra Leone. The sociological inquiry, therefore, mirrors and offers aspects imperative for the thriving application of social E-health in Sierra Leone’s communal social health zone.

Article information


British Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Mohamed Bangura. (2024). Sociology of E-Health Initiatives in Sierra Leone’s Communal Health Zone. British Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1(1), 38–46.



Social E-health; Datalogies; Communal, Health Zone; Sierra Leone