Research Article

Phonological Processes Triggered by Means of Verbs Conjugation in Bantu Languages


  • Chipanda Simon Department of Languages &Literature, The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy of Tanzania


This study explores the complex relationship between phonological processes and verb extensions, focusing on the concept of word elasticity, which describes the transformations words undergo based on linguistic contexts. Anchored in the Generative Phonology Theory, which postulates a transition from underlying representation to surface structure, the research aims to understand the phonological outcomes stemming from verb extension morphology, particularly in Bantu languages. Employing a qualitative approach through a documentary systematic review of peer-reviewed literature and academic articles across diverse languages, findings reveal multiple phonological processes, such as elision, assimilation, and palatalization, demonstrating the dynamic shifts induced by verb conjugations. The study concludes that understanding the interplay between morphology and phonology is fundamental, emphasizing the transformative nature of verb extensions in shaping phonological processes across languages.

Article information


British Journal of Applied Linguistics

Volume (Issue)

4 (1)





How to Cite

Simon, C. (2024). Phonological Processes Triggered by Means of Verbs Conjugation in Bantu Languages. British Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 36–44.



Verb conjugation, phonological processes, phonological rules, generative phonology