Research Article

Conditionals in Mandarin: A Corpus-based Study from A Semantic Perspective


  • Bei Zhao Department of French, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland


This corpus-based study delves into the expression of conditional constructions in Mandarin Chinese, employing a detailed analysis of both written and spoken data derived from four commonly used Mandarin corpora. Utilizing a mixed qualitative method, the research focuses on four widely-used conditional markers: rúguǒ, jiǎrú, yàoshì, and yàobushì. The investigation aims to understand the syntactic function of these markers in initiating basic conditional statements, as well as to explore their varied use across different genres. The study reveals that while these markers share a common role in forming conditional sentences, they exhibit significant differences in terms of frequency of use and semantic nuances. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of Mandarin syntax and semantics, highlighting the complexity and diversity of language use in different communicative contexts. The findings offer insights into the intricate ways in which Mandarin speakers express conditionality, enhancing the comprehension of this aspect of the language.

Article information


British Journal of Applied Linguistics

Volume (Issue)

4 (1)





How to Cite

Zhao, B. (2024). Conditionals in Mandarin: A Corpus-based Study from A Semantic Perspective. British Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 01–12.



Mandarin conditionals, Factual conditionals, Future (predictive) conditionals, Imaginative conditionals, Corpus Linguistics