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20 May 2023

Written by Al-Kindi team

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How to respond to peer review comments?

Al-Kindi | Authors | Research

Responding to peer review comments is an essential part of the academic publishing process. It requires a thoughtful and professional approach to address the feedback provided by your peers. Here's a guide on how to respond to peer review comments:

1. Understand the Comments:

Read the comments thoroughly and ensure a clear understanding, categorize comments into major and minor issues and identify areas of agreement and disagreement.

2. Acknowledge and Appreciate:

Begin your response by expressing gratitude for the reviewer's time and effort and acknowledge the constructive nature of the feedback.


"Thank you for taking the time to review my manuscript and for providing thoughtful and constructive feedback. I appreciate the thoroughness of your review."

3. Address Each Comment:

Respond to each comment individually and be specific and provide clear explanations or revisions.If you disagree, provide a well-reasoned response, supported by evidence or literature.


Comment: "The methodology section lacks clarity".

Response: "Thank you for pointing out this concern. I have revised the methodology section to improve clarity by adding more detailed explanations and examples".

4. Use a Professional Tone:

Maintain a professional and respectful tone, avoid being defensive or confrontational and focus on the content and academic merit of the comments.


Instead of: "I disagree with your interpretation." Use: "I appreciate your perspective, and I would like to discuss my rationale for the interpretation."

5. Provide Additional Information:

If necessary, supplement your responses with additional information, data, or references.Clarify any misunderstandings or misinterpretations.


Comment: "The results seem inconsistent."

Response: "I understand the concern. To address this, I have added additional analysis and provided a more detailed explanation of the results in the revised manuscript."

6. Highlight Changes Made:

Clearly indicate the changes you made in response to each comment and reference line numbers or sections for easy identification.


Comment: "Please clarify the research question in the introduction."

Response: "I have revised the introduction (lines 30-35) to provide a clearer statement of the research question."

7. Express Willingness to Revise:

Convey your commitment to improving the manuscript and indicate your willingness to make further revisions if necessary.


"I have made the suggested changes, and I am open to additional revisions to enhance the quality of the manuscript further. Please let me know if there are any specific areas that still need attention."

8. Reiterate Appreciation:

If there are comments that you find unclear, don't hesitate to seek clarification.Politely ask for more details or examples.


"I appreciate your comment on [specific point], but I would appreciate further clarification to ensure that I address your concerns adequately. Could you please provide more details or examples?"

9. Seek Clarification (if needed):

If there are comments that you find unclear, don't hesitate to seek clarification. Politely ask for more details or examples.


"I appreciate your comment on [specific point], but I would appreciate further clarification to ensure that I address your concerns adequately. Could you please provide more details or examples?"

10. Review Before Submission:

Before submitting your response, review it carefully and ensure that all comments are addressed, and your responses are clear and concise.

Remember, the goal is to engage in a constructive dialogue with the reviewers to enhance the quality of your work. Approach the process with an open mind and a genuine interest in improving your manuscript. Each response should demonstrate your commitment to scholarly communication and the advancement of your research.

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