Research Article

Cultural Diplomacy: Enhancing Morocco's Image and Reputation Worldwide


  • Rachid Enaim Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco


Morocco's use of cultural diplomacy becomes apparent as a key tactic in enhancing its standing and perception internationally. Morocco has a rich cultural heritage ready for diplomatic use, with a diverse cultural tapestry firmly influenced by Berber, Arab, and European cultures. In an age of globalization and intense rivalry between nations, Morocco can effectively portray its distinct character and promote understanding among people from different backgrounds through cultural diplomacy. Morocco can establish sustainable partnerships with countries across the globe by actively participating in cultural exchanges, encouraging artistic collaborations, and safeguarding its rich cultural legacy. This aggressive stance promotes tourism, international investment, and socioeconomic growth and strengthens Morocco's soft power. Furthermore, it reinforces Morocco's standing as a world leader in creative, tolerant, and innovative culture, which increases its impact and notoriety abroad.

Article information


Journal of Gender, Culture and Society

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Enaim, R. (2021). Cultural Diplomacy: Enhancing Morocco’s Image and Reputation Worldwide. Journal of Gender, Culture and Society, 1(1), 65–73.
