Article contents
Knowledge and Perception of Dalihan Na Tolu Among Batak Settlers in Jakarta
Dalihan Na Tolu is a philosophy of life of Batak ethnic which is believed to maintain the regularity of social life in the community and family of Bataks. Dalihan Na Tolu sets the form of addressing, position, and attitude, which applicated in traditional ceremonies and everyday life. In the middle of the swift currents of globalization at this time, there is concern about the erosion of local wisdom of traditional culture, including philosophy of life that has been believed for a long time, especially in families who live in a metropolis where infiltration or mixing of cultures is very dynamic and robust. This research was conducted to reveal how Bataks people in metropolis city perceive the values of Dalihan Na Tolu. The study shows that among Batak settlers in Jakarta, the value of Dalihan Na Tolu is still understood, accepted, and highly appreciated, although in the different breadth of knowledge and depth of meaning. Several factors influence those differences, i.e., the origin of the sub-ethnic, profession, intercommunication intensity among Batak's community, and position in the family. The results also concluded that the childhood environment significantly influences the internalization of cultural values.
Article information
Journal of Gender, Culture and Society
Volume (Issue)
2 (1)
Open access

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