Research Article

The Role of AI in Shaping Our Future: Super-Exponential Growth, Galactic Civilization, and Doom


  • Luka Baklaga Research and Development Department, Researcher, Business and Technology University, Georgia


The present study investigates the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the future trajectory of human civilization. It focuses on topics such as super-exponential growth, the potential emergence of a galactic civilization, and the associated "doom" hazards. A significant advancement in machine intelligence with human-like consciousness, strong artificial intelligence (AI), also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI), creates new opportunities and capacities. There's growing anxiety about the risk that weak AI will eventually become strong AI. Every year, new transformer models that are more like human interactions are being created, and we have already witnessed some indications of AGI. It is anticipated that AI will reach a "singularity" and advance on its own without assistance from humans. This thesis explores the theoretical and practical foundations, model building blocks, development processes, challenges, and ethical issues surrounding the creation of Consciousness AI (AGI). This paper examines the meaning of the term "technological singularity," the various types of singularities that have no point of return idea, the philosophical risks associated with the development of AI, and the implications of AI singularity for monetary theory and the new economic order. As a new perspective on the deployment of ethical AI in the face of tremendous technological advancements, the study not only contributes to the theoretical discourse but also explores the possible practical implications of AI on our shared future. Several obstacles to AI advancement are covered in the paper, along with prospective directions for future research.

Article information


Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (4)





How to Cite

Baklaga, L. (2024). The Role of AI in Shaping Our Future: Super-Exponential Growth, Galactic Civilization, and Doom. Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 6(4), 112–130.



AGI, Cosmic Cognitivism, Artificial Neural Network, machine learning, meta-ethics, singularity