Research Article

A Digitalization of Student Administration Services at Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang


  • Andi Gunawan Department of Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, Indonesia
  • Masita Department of Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, Indonesia
  • Asima Department of Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, Indonesia
  • Nahiruddin Department of Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, Indonesia
  • Hirman Department of Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, Indonesia
  • Andi Yusrill Ihza Mahendra Department of Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, Indonesia


The process of handling student correspondence submitted to the Study Program / Department, then processed by academics and signed by Deputy Director 1 has experienced obstacles in terms of the time to complete the various kinds of letters needed by students. Sometimes it takes up to one week to complete the process. If a student sends a Professional Work Practice (PKP) application letter to the Industry and the letter is rejected, the student must repeat the process of proposing the application letter with a long time. This is because the correspondence process still uses conventional methods. This research aims to develop a web application that is integrated with various related units in handling student correspondence at Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic. The waterfall method is used in its development, including needs analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation. The result is an application that facilitates the management of student letter administration with a barcode system for verification and signing, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the process. The results of this research are as follows: 1) Assist the storage of data management of academic administration services; 2) The process of inputting statement letter data becomes easier and faster; 3) Make it easier for department / study program / related unit admins to manage statement letters; 4) searching for administrative service data and statement letters is easier and faster; 5) integrated student data and statement letters can improve the quality of administrative services at Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang.

Article information


Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (1)





How to Cite

Andi Gunawan, Masita, Asima, Nahiruddin, Hirman, & Andi Yusrill Ihza Mahendra. (2024). A Digitalization of Student Administration Services at Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang . Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 6(1), 103-112.







Application, Administration, Statement Letter