Research Article

A Study of Organizational Changes that Occur to the Adoption of Cloud Computing Technologies in Organizations: Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in Afghanistan


  • Mohammadullah Shirpoor Department of Information Technology, Badakhshan University, Afghanistan
  • Nasrullah Ranimi Department of Information Technology, Badakhshan University, Afghanistan
  • Asmatullah rashidi Department of Information Technology, Badakhshan University, Afghanistan


Cloud computing services such as file storage and big data analysis provide cost effective, secure, flexible and reliable services to their users; however, their advantages, the adoption of many cloud services is still limited, and many organizations are unsure of adopting cloud technologies for various reasons this study using a systematic review of the factors influencing organizational regarding the adoption of cloud computing technologies, categorize and compare these factors and show that much of the literature has highlight the technical aspects of technology adoption, such as cloud security further show that factors such as top management support, relative advantage, cloud complexity, and competitive pressure are the most important factors affecting organizational attitudes toward cloud technology adoption. Furthermore, analysis of interview data collection techniques showed that cloud computing technologies affect the structure, size, tasks and work processes of organizations. These variables change at different levels. The findings showed that IT jobs have the greatest impact on cloud computing readiness and performance. Additionally, the results showed that organizations that adopt cloud technologies integrated some departments, increased work speed, removed some duplicated steps, overcame management changes, centralized IT works and removed some traditional hierarchical parts.

Article information


Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (4)





How to Cite

Shirpoor, M., Ranimi, N., & rashidi, A. (2023). A Study of Organizational Changes that Occur to the Adoption of Cloud Computing Technologies in Organizations: Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in Afghanistan. Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 5(4), 51-61.







Cloud Computing, Technology, Adoption, Organizational Factors and Systematic Method