Research Article

Design of Error Code Guide System on Wincor Nixdorf ATM Machine for CMD Controller Part Based on Mobile Application


  • Usanto S Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Swadharma, Indonesia


The machines must have an identity to categorize these machines that are starting to circulate in the Indonesian market. The identity of these machines is determined by the Serial Number (SN) on the machine. For machines manufactured in 2015, the machine has the identity of "Mesin dengan SN 56DW5." Moving on to 2016, the machine's identity changed to "SN 56HG6," while the machine type remained the same, which is Procash 280. Given the various types of Procash 280 machines, engineers sometimes struggle to decipher the codes on Wincor Nixdorf ATM machines. The method employed by the author in analyzing the SSI Net system involves data collection through literature review and field studies, alongside Software System Development using the Waterfall Method. The author conducted a feasibility test, which included a Technology Feasibility Test for the error code application. The necessary facilities for creating the Error Code Application were available, such as a Toshiba Satellite C-40 Laptop with Windows 10 Pro, Intel Core ™) i3-3110 M CPU @ 2.40 GHz Processor, 4.00 GB RAM, and a 64-bit Operating System. The Operational Feasibility is evident in engineers being able to install the application whenever and wherever using the provided APK. Additionally, the application's instructions are in Indonesian to accommodate new engineers joining the company. The designed system consists of two components: the Master Data Error Code and the output produced. The Master Data Error Code employs a two-digit number to provide results within this application, both for CMD Error Codes and Screen Error Codes. The application's output features two displays: one in English and the other in Indonesian. The author suggests adding additional menu options to the application to further assist users in finding solutions.

Article information


Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (3)





How to Cite

S, U. (2023). Design of Error Code Guide System on Wincor Nixdorf ATM Machine for CMD Controller Part Based on Mobile Application. Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 5(3), 45-54.







ATM, Wincor Nixdorf, Machines, Android-Based