Research Article

Internet of Everything: A Global Solution to Digital world


  • Ebole Alpha Friday Department of Computer Science, School of Technology, Lagos State Polytechnic, Nigeria
  • Adewale Shomope Department of Computer Science, School of Technology, Grace Polytechnic, Nigeria
  • Adeyemo Gbadebo Adebowale Department of Computer Science, School of Technology, Grace Polytechnic, Nigeria


The trend of the digital world is the transition from machine-to-machine, machine-to-people, and information technology to human technology with expanded digital to the maturity stage of the internet of everything. The (IoE) is the addition of connectivity and intelligence to every device in order to give them special functions. It embraces four components, namely, people, process, data, and things, and also four technical points of view which are smartness, interconnectivity, big data, and semantic interoperability to deploy the solutions that offer programmability, improved flexibility, and enhanced policy management by the various private and public sectors. The architecture of IoE includes applications, service platform, Internet, gateways, communications, and nodes and attract a security need that will be ubiquitous and able to protect the devices, applications, networks, data, users, and things that make up the Internet of Everything.  These systems work collaboratively and smartly with each other and perform the desired task. IoE will be a radical shift to think on how we live, solve the problem, create value, secure environment to keep people, data, processes, and things under digital hamlet. The network capabilities will create new experiences, capabilities, and economic opportunities for individuals, businesses, and governments as a solution to the digital world. The internet of everything is a philosophy of one thing, which is everything.

Article information


Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (2)





How to Cite

Friday, E. A., Shomope, A., & Adebowale, A. G. (2021). Internet of Everything: A Global Solution to Digital world. Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 3(2), 44-49.


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Internet of everything, digital security, internet of things