Latest Issue

Vol. 4 No. 2: International Journal of Law and Politics Studies

(July-December Issue, 2022) In Progress ...

Published: 2022-07-13

Research Article

Government and the Integration of Regional Land Factor Market: Taking the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region as an Example

Hongshan Lv , Wenshuang Li

Harmonization of Regulations of the General Election Commission to Guarantee Legal Certainty: Overview of the 2020 Regent and Deputy Regent Elections

Aswika Budhi Arfandy, Hari Purwadi

Commoditization and Productization of Legal Services: The new trends and the challenges of Nigerian lawyers

Isa Hayatu Chiroma SAN, Ani Munirah Mohamad, Ibrahim Sule

The Differences Made by the Transposition of the Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive (1999) into English law: Could a case be made for extending the Changes to Non-Consumer Contracts?

IBRAHIM SULE, Nnadozie, Chi Eric

Establishment and Development of Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) Business Based on Sharia Principles and Quality Development

Try Widiyono

Legal Problems and the Ideal Concept of Civil Executions in Indonesia

Naek Pamen Simanjuntak, Budi Santoso, Joko Setiyono

Juridical Review of the Principles and Systems of Collecting Local Taxes in National Development

Abioso Seno Aji, Joko Setiono, Budi Santoso

Legal Problems and Ideal Concepts in Reclamation Management Environmental Law Perspective

Edy Suwandono, Lazarus Tri, Dan Joko Setiyono

Juridic Review Consumer Protection Perspective of Copyright Law (Omnibus Law) and Consumer Protection Law

Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro, Budi Santoso, Joko Setiyono

Synergy of Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands Authority Perspective

Parojahan Simanjuntak, Retno Saraswati, Joko Setiyono

Protection of Personal Data of BPJS Health Users against Data Leakage

Moody Rizqy Syailendra Putra, Pascal Amadeo Yapputro, Maulida Syahrin ...

Regulation of the Synergy of Holding Company State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) In the Effort to Contribute to the Development of the National Economy

Alfonsus Andrew, Anna Maria Tri Anggraini

Legal Aspects of Giving Subsidies from Government to the People Due to Oil Fuel Increase: A Case Study in Indonesia

Try Widiyono

Socio-Legal Inquiry of Intellectual Property Law and the Neocolonised Legal Profession in Freetown, Sierra Leone

Mohamed Bangura

The Impacts of Eco-Tourism and Agrotourism Based on Plant Variety Protection to Sustain Biological Diversity and Green Economic Growth in Indonesia

Sri Wartini, Abdurrahman Alfaqiih, Budi Agus Riswandi, Jihyun Park

Analysis of Changes on Regulations of Limited Liability Companies in Law Number 11 of 2020: Cybernetics Theory in Legal Politics

Muhammad Rifqi, Lita Tyesta Addy Listya Wardhani

The Use of Foreign Language in a Contract and Its Relevance on the Annulment of an Indonesian Arbitral Award

Eko Rial Nugroho, Mahrus Ali

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Development of Indonesian Civil Procedure Law as a Legal Futuristic Study

Hendri Jayadi