Research Article

Thorns of Failures: Views of Non-Passers of Criminology Board Examination


  • John Kevin V. Bangaysiso College of Criminal Justice, Faculty, University of Cebu Main, Cebu City, Philippines
  • Dodelon F. Sabijon College of Criminal Justice, Dean, University of Cebu Main, Cebu City, Philippines
  • Yolanda C. Sayson Graduate School, Dean, University of Cebu Main, Cebu City, Philippines
  • Renato C. Sagayno Graduate School, Dean, University of Cebu Main, Cebu City, Philippines
  • Paulino Pioquinto College of Criminal Justice, Dean, University of Cebu - Lapu-Lapu Mandaue, Mandaue City, Philippines
  • Vanzniel Rover A. Nillama College of Criminal Justice, Faculty, University of Cebu Main, Cebu City, Philippines


Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC) records show that the national passing percentage in the Criminologist Licensure Examination (CLE) is deteriorating. The number of unlicensed Criminology graduates throughout the country is increasing. This study explored the lived experiences of non-passers of the Criminologist Licensure Examination (CLE) through a qualitative research method. The informants of this study were 10 board exam flunkers throughout the Province of Cebu. Four informants were used for the in-depth interview, and six were used for the focus group discussion. Eight (8) emergent themes described the positive and negative experiences of the informants before, during, and after the board exam. For the positive experiences, four (4) themes were developed, namely: Take a Trip Down Memory Lane, Licensure Examination: The Main Event, Acceptance and Moving Forward and Contingency Plan: Look for a Job. For the negative experiences, four (4) themes were formulated, namely: The Chronicles of Review, Test Anxiety: The Feeling of Taking the Licensure Examination, Board Exam Result: A Flunker’s Nightmare and Mission Unsuccessful. For the plights of the informants before, during, and after taking the licensure examination, eight (8) emergent themes were formulated, namely: Procrastination and Idleness, Indiscretion of Reviewees, Financial Struggle: A Dilemma to Board Exam Takers, Family Problems: A Heavy Load to Carry, The Answer Sheet: A Fragile Piece of Paper, Bad Luck: In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time, Examinee’s Inability to Comprehend Questions: A Tough Assignment, The Fallen Leaves, and Disappointments and Failure to Meet Expectations: Adding Insult to Injury. For the reasons of the informants for not retaking the exam, two (2) themes were developed, namely: Age Limit in the Tri-Bureau: Crashing the Flunker’s Aspirations and Making a Fresh Start.

Article information


International Journal of Law and Politics Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (3)





How to Cite

John Kevin V. Bangaysiso, Dodelon F. Sabijon, Yolanda C. Sayson, Renato C. Sagayno, Paulino Pioquinto, & Vanzniel Rover A. Nillama. (2024). Thorns of Failures: Views of Non-Passers of Criminology Board Examination. International Journal of Law and Politics Studies, 6(3), 78-94.







Non-passers, Criminology, Criminologist Licensure Examination (CLE), RA 11131