Research Article

The Impact of EU Integration on the Political, Economic and Social Systems of Republic of North Macedonia (As a Candidate Country)


  • Miranda Sabriu Bexheti Professor, Balkan and Eurasian Studies, University Mother Teresa, Skopje North Macedonia


Subjective assessments from various relevant factors to the level of North Macedonia's achievements in the path of European integration are often contradictory and partial for a general conclusion. The analysis of this research lies on this context, which aims to provide answers to the country's achievements towards European integration through analyses and generalizations of the results from the official reports of the European Commission as well as through concrete data about the country's achievements (statistical entities and V-Dem Varieties of democracy) for the development of the political, economic and social system as a whole during the years 2010-2023. The results show that North Macedonia consumes concrete benefits from European funds and associations, but the progress in the country is insignificant.

Article information


International Journal of Law and Politics Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (1)





How to Cite

Sabriu Bexheti, M. (2024). The Impact of EU Integration on the Political, Economic and Social Systems of Republic of North Macedonia (As a Candidate Country). International Journal of Law and Politics Studies, 6(1), 76–86.



EU integration; Integration achievements; Republic of North Macedonia