Research Article

Legal Personality of Robots


  • ABDULLAH MOHAMMED ALZAMIL MA Student, King Abdelaziz University, Saudi Arabia


Developing a well-defined legal framework for robots is vital in this age of rapid advancement in technology. Such regulation is important not only to protect patient rights, but also to encourage responsible technological innovation and maximize the potential of robotics. In my research on the legal personality for robots, given the novelty of the topic and scarcity of specialized references, the research was conducted through extrapolating and analyzing related systems and regulations in the field of technology, in addition to studying relevant academic research on legal personality. A range of perspectives and trends were reviewed regarding granting legal personality to robots. The research began with the topic of legal personality in general, then discussed the notion of granting legal personality to robots between proponents and opponents. It also examined the position of countries and international organizations on robot legal personality, which have not yet recognized independent robots as legal persons since robots do not possess finances separate from their manufacturing companies, nor full autonomy from their human makers and operators. It was emphasized that granting legal personality to any entity requires a specific criterion which is the capacity to acquire rights and duties, assume obligations, and legal personality for robots is mainly attributed to the principle of appropriateness, legal necessity and their ability to act with a degree of consciousness and independence, which reinforces the likelihood of their committing harmful acts, causing damage to others. Given the treatment of robots in most countries as objects, the European Parliament put forward the human agent theory. Therefore, legislators should intervene to establish a clear legal framework that defines the legal nature of robots in a way that protects patient interests without discouraging companies and inventors from innovating to maximize the benefits of robotics and artificial intelligence technologies.

Article information


International Journal of Law and Politics Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (1)





How to Cite

ALZAMIL, A. M. (2024). Legal Personality of Robots. International Journal of Law and Politics Studies, 6(1), 35-45.







Robots - Artificial Intelligence - Legal personality of robots - Human agent