Research Article

Special Correctional Education under the Classification of Delinquent Behavior


  • Ling Leng Associate professor, School of Law and Humanities, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, China
  • Feifei Jiao Graduate student, School of Law and Humanities, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, China


Special correctional education, as a unique disposition measure for delinquent behaviour, has independent attributes that distinguish it from special education as a "punitive measure with protective purpose." The newly revised "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency" does not clearly distinguish between "delinquent behaviour" and "public order offenses" and fails to reflect the requirements of hierarchical prevention. To promote the improvement of special correctional education, it is necessary to establish a classification system for its application criteria, build independently designated schools, design diverse and dynamic disposition measures, improve the decision rules for measure application, and construct comprehensive correctional content to shape the operation of special correctional education for delinquent minors. This will address the practical dilemma of releasing delinquent youth without appropriate follow-up measures and achieve the goals of rehabilitating delinquent minors, reinstating the rights of victims, and restoring social order.

Article information


International Journal of Law and Politics Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (6)





How to Cite

Leng, L., & Jiao, F. (2023). Special Correctional Education under the Classification of Delinquent Behavior. International Journal of Law and Politics Studies, 5(6), 115–122.



Classification of delinquent behaviour, Delinquent behaviour, Special correctional education, Specialized schools