Research Article

Revisiting Islamic Law in Indonesia’s Legal System Discourse: A Critical Analysis of the Legal and Social Implications


  • Hannani Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Islam, Institut Agama Isam Negeri Parepare, Indonesia


This article examines the difficulties associated with reintroducing Islamic law (fiqh) into the legal system and regulations of a pluralistic contemporary society. The function of Islamic law in the context of contemporary society is examined, including its historical impact on Islamic civilization and the significance of Islamic legal legislation in Islamic modernism. The current reality is Islamic law's struggle with modern nation-states, especially in terms of its transformation and incorporation into the national legal system. The article also discusses Ibn al-Muqaffa's proposal for the first Islamic legal code, which sought to establish universally applicable legal provisions. The purpose of this article is to cast a spotlight on the challenges and opportunities of reintroducing Islamic law into the regulatory framework of contemporary society. To better comprehend the implications and potential outcomes of such integration, there is a need for more scholarly work and research. In conclusion, the incorporation of Islamic law into contemporary legal systems is an ongoing and significant topic of discussion in a pluralistic modern society. While there have been attempts in the past to codify Islamic law within state regulations, there are still numerous obstacles to overcome before it can be successfully reintroduced into contemporary legal frameworks. Progress can be made towards the incorporation of Islamic law into the regulatory framework of contemporary society through sustained scholarly work, research, and consideration of ethical and social implications.

Article information


International Journal of Law and Politics Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (3)





How to Cite

Hannani. (2023). Revisiting Islamic Law in Indonesia’s Legal System Discourse: A Critical Analysis of the Legal and Social Implications. International Journal of Law and Politics Studies, 5(3), 13-17.







Islamic law, Legal system, Indonesia, legislation