
Call For Papers (Vol 6, No 6, November-December 2024): International Journal of Law and Politics Studies


The International Journal of Law and Politics Studies (IJLPS) cordially invites scholars, academicians and researchers from all over the world to submit their unpublished original work for inclusion in our next publication issue (Vol 6, No 6, November-December 2024). Acceptable themes include, but are not limited to, the following:e

Accessibility, Administrative Law, Business Organization Law, Civil Law, Civil Procedure, Commercial Law, Competition In Two-Sided Markets, Constitutional Justice, Constitutional Law, Contract Law, Copyright Law, Corporate Finance Law, Corporate Law, Courts And Judicial Politics, Criminal Law, Employment Law, Environmental And Energy Law, European Law, Family And Juvenile Law, Government Structure, Health Law, High-Tech And Anti-Trust Policy, High-Tech And Anti-Trust Policy, Human Rights Law, Human Rights/Civil Liberty, Immigration Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Economics And Trade Law, International Law And Politics, Islamic Law, Judicial System, Labour Law, Law Of Common Areas, Law Of International Regulations, Legal Methodology, Legal Systems And Their Institutions, Legislative Processes And Public Law, Legislature, Media Law, Open Standards And Entrepreneurship, Philosophy Of Law And Related Topics In Law, Property Law, Public And Private Law, Public Law Fundamentals, R&D And Innovation In High-Tech, Real Estate Law, Sports And Entertainment Law, Taxation Law, Teaching Methodology, The Internet Search, The Institutions Of International Justice, Tourism Law, Trademarks Law, Transport Law, American Politics, Analytical Politics, Autocracy, Democracy And Prosperity, Campaigning And Elections, Comparative Politics, Cross-National Political Analysis, Democracy And Its Critics, Democratic Innovations, European Integration, Foreign Policy Analysis, Gender Politics, Geopolitics And Political Geography, Global Governance, Government And Politics Of The Middle East, Green Politics, Green Politics, Intelligence Governance, Interdisciplinary Perspective On Violence & Politics, International Law And Organizations, International Politics, Internet And Politics, Liberty And Equality, Modern Political Ideologies, Modernization In Turkey And Iran, National Systems, Nationalism And Ethnic Conflict, Nationalism And Identity, NGO’S And Civic Culture, Policy Analysis And Studies, Policy Studies And Public Policy Analysis, Political Development, Political Communication, Political Economy, Political Methodology, Political Participation, Political Psychology, Political Science, Political Science Research Methods, Political Systems, Political Theory And Philosophy, Politics In Russia, Politics Of Developing Countries, Politics Of European Integration, Politics Of Human Rights, Power And Justice, Public Administration, Public Policy And Administration, Supranational And Intergovernmental Politics.

| Submission Guidelines Highlights

1- The submitted article must not have been previously published, nor should it be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.
2- The author guidelines must be followed.
3- Submit the full version of the manuscript in English. 
4- Citations in the text should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition. The references should be arranged alphabetically and the references section should be placed at the end of the manuscript. Please ensure you check all your citations for completeness, accuracy and consistency.
5- The submitted article must be provided in Microsoft Word format only.

| Article Structure

The submitted article should be structured as follows: 

1- Title
2- List of authors, their affiliations and email addresses
3- Keywords
4- Abstract
5- Introduction
6- Literature review
7- Methodology
8- Results/Findings
9- Conclusion
10- Statements and Declarations
11- References

| Continuous Article Publishing (CAP) and Rigorous Review Process

The International Journal of Law and Politics Studies publishes articles on a continuous basis. Articles are published in the current issue as soon as they are peer-reviewed, accepted, copyedited, and proofread, allowing a steady stream of informative quality articles. The journal then archives the articles within 6 issues: January-February; March-April; May-June; July-August; September-October; November-December. In the continuous publication, articles may be submitted at any time. They still undergo the same process of peer review and preparation, but this can begin right away and ends as soon as the article is ready. Special collections of articles are welcomed and will be published as part of the normal issue, but also within a separate collection page.

| Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts are accepted on a continuous basis, and there is no deadline for submission. If you are interested in submitting your manuscript, please submit it using the journal online system or send it via email at: For guidance on submissions or further information, please contact the Editor. 

Kindly visit the journal homepage for aims and scope, editorial board listing, abstracting/indexing services list, and other information. 

| Publisher

Al-Kindi Center for Research and Development
3 Dryden Avenue
W7 1ES, Hanwell, London, UK