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Influence of Group Involvement on Self-Concept among Young Adults
This investigated the effects of group participation on the self-concept of young adults affiliated with organizations at the University of Cebu - Main Campus. It further describes the factors that influence the participants to join group organizations, the experiences of participants in group involvement, and the influences of group involvement on self-concept. This study employed a qualitative research approach. The study participants ranging from 18 to 24 years old, were deliberately selected through purposive sampling. This diverse group included at least one male and one female participant from the following organizations: Lakandiwa, UCCP, UC Cheerdance, UC Chorus, Criminal Justice Society, Educators' Society, Society of Junior Hoteliers, and AB SBO. The researcher's semi-structured interview guide containing open-ended questions was used in data gathering through interviews. The thematic analysis of Braun and Clarke was used to analyze the qualitative data. Code categories and common themes were identified from the transcript of the in-depth interviews. Ten (10) emergent themes were established from the participants' responses that were classified under three (3) overarching themes, which are the statement of the problem that provided answers to the sub-problems. The emergent themes were derived from the significant statements of the participants. For the factors that influence the participants to join the group organization, the overarching theme, Factors that influence young adults to join group organizations, has five (5) emergent themes categorized as To socialize, Altruism, Self-development, Benefits, and Influenced by Peers. For the experiences of participants in group involvement, the overarching theme, Experiences to Group Involvement, has two (2) emergent themes that were categorized as Enhancement of Interpersonal Skills (Positive Experiences) and Burden (Negative Experiences). For the group involvement effect on young adults´ self-concept, the overarching theme, Influence of Group involvement on self-concept, has three (3) emergent themes: Self-confidence, Enhancement of Self-worth, and Self having a Sense of Direction. The findings and recommendations obtained from the study will be used to raise awareness of the influences of group involvement on self-concept among young adults.