Research Article

Social Particularism and the Contemporaneity Process in Northern Sierra Leone


  • Mohamed Bangura Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Sierra Leone, Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone


The vocable ‘Social Particularism’ has a weak social recognition in the classical theory of contemporaneity. It refers to social closure as well as narrow and self-interested behaviour. Social particularism is also linked with cultural communities and with pre-independence cultural activity. Its alter ego or instinct is 'regionalism,' the quintessence of contemporaneity. In this paper, it is claimed that an important path of delinking different thoughts is to discuss the interactions between social particularism and regionalism during contemporary procedures. Only through this sort of discourse can we differentiate kinds of social particularism that contrast contemporaneity and kinds of social particularism that either coexist with contemporaneity or are fit to gift a positive contribution to contemporary procedures. On this platform, the Sierra Leonean ‘Northern Question’ is discussed from a current perspective. This approach aims at moving northern Sierra Leonean political and cultural tradition seriously or considerably and looking at the possibilities of a change of such a tradition towards contemporaneity. The problem can be defined as follows: how is it possible to extend social capital and forge social trust in northern Sierra Leone commencing from prevailing thresholds of socio-cultural and socio-political particularism? The modes of this paper's participants were an advantage representative of 153 participants (93 men and 60 women) from four Districts in northern Sierra Leone. Utilising free registering mode, participants were questioned to reply to the applicable questions ‘Are there social problems within your community?’ ‘Who can help fix social problems?’ Data analysis embraced the concentration of educed social problems into a distinct register. These were then organised restrictedly using a familirisation of the sociological model, promoting social research of the social interactions between social problems at family, individual, community, and social thresholds.

Article information


British Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and History

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Bangura, M. (2022). Social Particularism and the Contemporaneity Process in Northern Sierra Leone. British Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and History, 2(2), 09-19.







‘Cronyism,' 'fambulism,' contemporaneity, social capital, northern Sierra Leone