Research Article

The Role of Plants in Human Health


  • Azizaqa Azizi Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Parwan University, Parwan, AFGHANISTAN
  • Mahboobullah Mahboob Department of Biology Faculty of Education, Panjshir University, Panjshir, AFGHANISTAN
  • Abdul Wahid Monib Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Kandahar University, Kandahar, AFGHANISTAN and School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, INDIA
  • Mohammad Hassan Hassand Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Kandahar University, Kandahar, AFGHANISTAN
  • Sayedwali Sediqi Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Urozgan Higher Institute, Urozgan, AFGHANISTAN
  • Parwiz Niazi Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Kandahar University, Kandahar, AFGHANISTAN, and Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, EGE University, İzmir, TURKEY


Through extensive research, humans have discovered that the best way to achieve good health is by reconnecting with nature. Plants, which surround us, not only fulfill our physical needs for food and medicine but also our spiritual needs. Living in harmony with nature allows us to appreciate its beauty, including the awe-inspiring flowers, trees, and forests that invigorate our souls. Furthermore, the natural environment can have a religious significance, with Islam being a perfect and universal religion that offers a clear life program for the world. The holy book of Islam, the Quran, states that "TABAIENA LEKOLE SHAY IN" encapsulates this program succinctly. The importance of plants in human life cannot be overstated, as they have special effects on our lives in various ways, including helping us comprehend our intellectual relationships with nature. However, while the Quran contains numerous references to plants, there has been little systematic study on their use in human life. In this research, we will examine several verses from the Quran that discuss the effects of plants on the human body and soul.

Article information


British Journal of Biology Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

Azizi, A., Mahboob, M., Monib, A. W., Hassand, M. H., Sediqi, S., & Niazi, P. (2023). The Role of Plants in Human Health. British Journal of Biology Studies, 3(1), 08-12.







Plants, Importance, Human, Vital, needs, positive effects